Alba Trees Ltd

Stand No. L29

The Nursery began growing in 1988, and has always specialised in Forestry trees – both for native woodland creation and timber production. Alba has greatly expanded since those early days and now grows 30m trees per year, across three separate growing sites. Our location allows our trees to take advantage of the highest sunshine hours in Scotland, as well as exposing them to traditional Scottish winters – ensuring they are fully hardy and ideal for woodland planting throughout the UK.

Alba Trees is the largest cell-grown Forestry nursery in the UK. Growing trees in cells ensures that trees have a root plug which is never damaged during the lifting process and extends the potential planting season to all months of the year. Rates of establishment of cell-grown trees are typically up to 20% better than with field grown (Bare Root) trees.

Matthew Lowe 07502543338 Visit our Website
Our new transplanting machine
One of many new developments at Alba, our new transplanting machine is now up and running!
Interview with Tree Time Initiative
Alba Trees have supplied the Tree Time project with over 10,000 trees to provide to communities in Edinburgh. We sat down with Tree Time's fundraising & communication manager Richard Darke to learn more about the project. We cover topics from Tree Time's origin, the importance of associating pivotal memories with trees, the benefits of urban trees specifically and the future plans of Tree Time. Learn more about Alba Tree's and the projects we supply here

Hedging Advice

Alba Trees offers advice on the various options available for creating new hedgerows and woodland on your land.