WooWoo Waterless


WooWoo Waterless

Stand No. RB411

WooWoo Waterless is the UK’s sole distributor of commercially viable off-grid toilets for public areas.

We proudly work with customers such as the RSPB, English Heritage, Natural England, NatureScot, The National Trust, The RSPB, The Wildlife Trusts, The RNLI, Thames Water, University of Bristol Botanic Garden, Loch Lomond Golf Club, The Natural History Museum, Jimmy’s Farm, Broughton Sanctuary and numerous allotments, golf clubs, solar farms, nature reserves, fisheries, councils, wildlife trusts, charities and community projects.

Toilets are not just a question of convenience, but one of our most fundamental rights.

At first glance, the importance of toilets might seem minor, yet their absence has profound effects on daily life, limiting freedom and dignity for many people. From the families forced to limit their time at allotments or playing fields, to the women avoiding golf memberships as they refuse to go in the bushes like the men. Consider also the student with IBS unable to join the PE class with no toilets near the sports pitches, or the individual in a wheelchair who can’t enjoy the local park with no access to facilities, or indeed the elderly who can’t risk leaving the safety of their home to visit the cemetery or church.

Toilets often have a powerful impact on the people and communities they serve, allowing them the freedom to access their favourite places for longer, be it an allotment, golf course, playing field, van conversion or garden office. And, our toilets? They are waterless. So, they are making a significant impact in diverting waste from our British Waterways, and save our clients the cost of needlessly running pipes, plumbing, water and septic tanks.

Jacob Andersen 02030510738
jacob@waterlesstoilets.co.uk Visit our Website

Off-Grid commercial toilets for remote areas

No other toilet in the UK works like the award-winning Kazuba. Since its launch in 2008, thousands of units have been installed and it has become famous for its unique evaporation/drying mechanism which works with no need for water, electricity or chemicals. This, coupled with the surprisingly low maintenance and high capacity, makes Kazuba the premium eco-friendly alternative to a normal “flushing” toilet, especially in situations where the toilet is used more than just a few times a day. Kazuba loos are ideal for lots of different purposes but most of our installations have in common that they are located off the grid (with no access to sewerage) and need to be able to deal with moderate to high volumes of “input”. In the UK alone, Kazuba toilets have been installed at allotments, community gardens, golf courses, solar farms, fisheries, camping and glamping sites, nurseries, schools, universities, churches, museums, parks, nature reserves, beaches, castles, car-parks and playgrounds.