Stogger Turf Care


Stogger Turf Care

Stand No. OSA191

Grass is at the center to many sports, significantly impacting player welfare and game quality. Stogger Turf Care specializes in developing advanced LED grass growth solutions, leveraging data-driven research to produce high-quality grass at reduced expenses. Through our team of experts, we guarantee state-of-the-art stadium growlight solutions, fostering an environment to conceive excellent grass growth. Committed to intelligent design and energy efficiency, we supply clients with our cutting-edge Dynamic Light Spectrum (DLS) LED grow lights, controlled by data to ensure not only maximum energy efficiency but also the highest turf quality.

Florian Mans +31 77 205 77 25 Visit our Website
Stogger Turf Care - Grow Lights
Stogger Booster growlights in action at the Jakarta International Stadium in Indonesia and in Bielefeld, Germany.

Stogger Turf Care